Success: 6 Keys to Achieving Greatness


Living in a world where success is the foundation of living a good life, the pressure to succeed is enormous. Not necessarily having the pressure to become a celebrity or influencer, but more so to thrive in a specific field of choice. The idea of this world is that when you are not progressive, the world will leave you behind. This may sound daunting, but in reality, this holds significant truth.

Many people in the world desire to live a life of fulfillment. However, being fulfilled comes with a cost that not many are willing to pay. They subscribe to the idea that lack many sources such as money, talent, or influence to become a success. That may be true in some instances depending on the business you’re in, but it takes a mindset to gain traction for the most part.

In this article, I want to talk about the 6 keys that are common when on the road to success. Now mind you, this is not an article about how to get rich. Although, you will find that the rich have or still do utilize these keys to acquire or maintain their wealth. Now, let’s break down the 6 keys to achieving success.

1. Passion

Starting the journey to what you consider success, you must define what you are passionate about. We all have things that excite us. You know, the thing that we just can’t shut up about. Or, the thing that you cannot wait to spend your time learning about whether it is an experience or an activity. This is what you are passionate about.

Without passion, there is a great probability that you will not stick around to expand on the topic. Sure, the pay or the events may be good, however, you may be just going through the motions of being there because of other reasons. With passion, you are most likely to enjoy spending your time learning and educating others on the topic. Also, you could potentially evolve the topic by adding value that helps others in their pursuit. This is when passion meets purpose.

2. Purpose

To have a successful passion, you must have a purpose. This will grant you access to success. What it means to have a purpose is to take your passion and provide it as a service or good. For example, you may have a love for skincare. Through your personal experience and education in skin care, you may want to help others be more comfortable in their skin. Spend some time understanding what it does it looks like with your helping others.

In many ways, you could explore this passion. You could help provide tips and advice that could help others along the way. Also, you could invest in creating your products to contribute to the cause. This sounds difficult I know, but sometimes you have to explore the options and go with the possibilities. You never know what you will find to pivot to different avenues. Once you connect your passion and purpose, it is now time to commit to creating a good or service.

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3. Commitment

People love success! But subconsciously, people are scared to begin the journey. We come up with fantastic ideas. The thing is, we are scared to commit to the journey for various reasons. There are multiple reasons why someone will disregard committing to their passion. Some may say finances, or some will say people will laugh at me. The fact of the matter is, that’s only an assumption that is driven by fear.

Disregarding fear, and committing to the process will lead you to learn everything you need to know about where you want to go. Understanding that you may not know as much as those that are in the same field as you, doesn’t me you won’t get there. It takes time, effort, and even failure to help you grow in the direction needed. Admittingly, it is scary at first. However, accepting the possibility of failure is the first sacrifice. But what is success without sacrifice?

4. Sacrifice

Sacrifice is one of the hardest obstacles to get over when pursuing success. It is difficult to get rid of our past habits that are a sure way of being stagnated. They say breaking old habits is a hard thing to do and it is true. Being creatures of routine, changing routine is a hard task. But, when on the path to success we must consider the options. We will either make changes to achieve our goals or we will remain in our current state and change nothing. The best way is to make the necessary changes.

Sacrifice is a big deal, but it can be the best decision you have ever made. For example, your goal is to become healthy and fit. To do so, you must sacrifice those foods and beverages that contradict your success. Continuing to consume such foods and beverages will only lead to a delay in your progress. It is important to sacrifice everything that will stand in your way to progress to your excellence. It is not going to be popular but is required. Also, much is required when gaining success. Especially discipline.

5. Discipline

Let’s be honest, every key on this list is important but discipline is the one that will take you all the way. This is the key to success that most people have a difficult time with. Seriously, you start fired up but eventually get burned out of doing the right thing. Isn’t that crazy? Imagine getting tired of doing the right things that will for sure bring you success. But why is that so difficult?

Being disciplined is doing what is required regardless of your current state of emotions. For example, doing what is required when you’re happy, sad, mad, and lazy. The fact of the matter is, when you do not show up for your dreams, your dreams will not ever show up for you. You must ignore anything that will derail you from your path to success. Even when that means sacrificing relationships that do not build you up. Or even habits that do not support the lifestyle you are trying to live. The point is, when something does not contribute to the goal, stay away from it.

6. Faith

Lastly, without faith, you would not be here. However, you must continue to have faith because you will continue to grow. Every time you grow, you are making another decision to expand on your idea of success. To act on this idea, you will need to have faith that your idea will grow you further. Think about it, when we do not believe in what we are trying to achieve, why would anything great happen?

Faith is the key that reminds you that what you are doing is worth it. It also keeps you childlike when thinking about what you want to achieve. The more you believe in your goals, the more realistic they become. Of course, you have to incorporate this with the rest of the key, but ultimately you are taking a chance that no one else may believe in. Long as you truly believe you can do it, then it can be done. It is not going to be easy but just have faith.

Success is a Marathon

Finally, looking at all the keys above, it takes some soul searching to reach success. Understanding that no key is greater than the other, however, some keys will be valued differently by each user. Utilizing the 6 keys to achieving success is not a one-off process. Success is a marathon and you will constantly be put in a position where the keys are needed. Once you dismiss one, it will become a domino effect that hinders your progress.

Using the keys to success is a process you will need to repeat daily.  No matter what stage you’re in, all keys are part of a requirement as long as you’re on the path. When does it end? To be honest, it never does. Success is a lifestyle change that requires you to change your outlook on the present to change your view of the future. So in closing, you have work to do and nothing works unless you do. Make sure you do it right!