Motivation: No Supplements for Hard Work

The Realization

We all need motivation, however, if you cut on the television or go to any social media platform, you are most likely to encounter an ad that promotes a product that is designed to make your life convenient. You may have thought to yourself that the product seems legit, however, it turns out that the product does not meet the intent that you were expecting.

For example, some consumers believe that fitness supplements will give them the desired aesthetics, and it does not help at all. How about the dreaded question that makes any friend or significant other uncomfortable, “Does this dress make me look fat?”. It’s a difficult response to give, but using a certain color to hide curves is a shortcut to the desired result.

I get it! All of us have tried to find a roundabout way to obtain motivation, whether in business, fitness, or goals in general. However, the roundabout will only yield a limited amount of results and motivation. To fix this self-sabotage, one must understand the requirements of their goals. Once the requirements are understood, then the mindset must change.

The Mindset

Because we live in a world that is moving faster than ever before, people are looking for corners to cut to keep up with the “Joneses”. In combination with the world moving fast, obtaining instant gratification is devaluing the belief in true hard work. This creates a synthetic motivation that will not last long. Because the world is heavily influenced by the trends on the internet, we have seen many products that are advertised to promote corner-cutting as a way to supplement what is obtained from hard work.  We must change our mindset to accept that to progress towards our goals, we adopt that work must be done the right way.

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Bottom Line

The bottom line is, for us to gain what we truly desire, we must understand the requirements and never stray from them. I you desire to start a business, have the physique of your dreams, or reach a specific financial status, you must apply the effort. There may be tools and supplements that will help you along the way, but the truth is that you can not accomplish any goals without putting in the work.

Let’s take fitness for example. Let’s say you want to drop a specific number of pounds to increase your value in aesthetics. No matter how much protein and fat burner you take, it will never be efficient enough to offset the required discipline necessary to drop the pounds off. When I speak of discipline, I am talking about consistently being active and committed to a diet. If you dropped the protein and fat burner from your regime and kept them active and diet components, you will still be able to reach your goal. However, if you reverse the method, you are most likely to continue to gain weight.


Listen, I get it! You want what you want. However, there will never be a supplement for hard work when it comes to carrying out your dreams. Sweat equity is and always will be required. While dreams can be made through the lottery, there is no strategy for you to start over if all plans fail. If you learn sweat equity, you will have taught yourself how to bounce back every time you fail.

If you are a hard worker, keep sharpening your knives and continue to build a fortified mind. For those who have not started, it is never too late! Build yourself from scratch and you will never fill like you need to supplement hard work again. Dig deep to find the motivation to win.  As always, nothing works unless you do. Bless.