The Best Investment: Betting On You

Investments? What are those?

Investments! We hear our family, friends, and colleagues at work rant about investments daily. If you not already investing, it makes you feel left out or as if you aren’t successful. No denying it, it is a crappy feeling. However, making investments is no easy feat. While people talking about investing, they may not be as far as you think. So, what are investments? Investments are assets that you purchase at a price in hopes that it increases in value to provide a return. Hence the phrase, “return on investment” or ROI.

For example, let’s say that I purchase a high-end juicer. I may be out of pocket for purchasing the juicer, but I can sell unlimited juice in my local market. In further detail, Let’s say that I sell freshly made juice at $5 a bottle. If I sell 100 bottles of juice, I have just returned the funds I spent on the juicer. In continuing to sell freshly made juice after 100 bottles being sold, I will now be in profit.

Taking a deeper dive, people have been investing for years now. From the looks of things, people going to continue to do so. But how they invest is a great question. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Traditional Investing

Most people think of Wall Street when they think of investing. But since the technology boom, people can invest their money from anywhere. In the world of finance, traditional investing is the act of purchasing an asset such as stocks, bonds, real estate property, etc. Traditional investing has been around for years! You purchase an asset that you think will grow in value and you’re rich! Well, not exactly. Traditional Investments can be a slow run. You have to be in the business of longevity to survive in this game.

With Traditional investing, you are most likely purchasing assets that you believe in. You are estimating a business potential in hopes of a return. However, what if you were the asset that you believe in? Keep reading.

The Best Investment

Let’s get straight to it! The best investment is YOU. With the economy the way it is today, it is even more difficult to earn money from the stock market alone. The real estate market is pretty unstable as well. Unless you have been in business for a long time already, starting won’t be easy. However, betting on you is a sure shot to earning your way. If you have a particular skill set that you believe can earn you money, then you can turn it into a business. The goal is to get potential clients to hire you for your services.

I know this may sound like an unbelievable process but it’s the truth. Most if not all businesses start with the owner believing in an idea, then providing goods and services. Now, you must understand that this won’t be a fast process. It will take time. A lot of time. But you are here to stay and be your boss right?

Application to Investing

To invest in yourself and build off of your skillset, there are things you must do. First, you must switch from potential energy to kinetic energy. In other words, get to work. You have an idea of what you can do for your business and not its time to put the plan into action. Just as you put faith in the stocks and real estate properties, you have to put faith in yourself. Here are some examples. Instead of purchasing a house to resale, become a realtor and sell houses for clients instead. Instead of just cutting your lawn, cut your local communities instead. That’s how starting a business looks.

With the application, you must put yourself out there by marketing your business. Things will not just fall into your lap. You may have to go door-to-door and sell yourself as the best and that’s ok. There are many ways to market your services but the point is to put yourself out there. Just as with stocks, this is a slow process, so you must trust the process.

For more information about potential energy and kinetic energy, check out our article:                                “Motivation Explained: Potential Energy vs. Kinetic Energy”

Trust The Process

Trusting the process is just as hard as believing in yourself. You must acknowledge that all the hard work that you are putting into your craft is paying off. Developing a plan is vital for your process. Once the plan is developed, execution is key. Regardless of how you feel about how the process is going, you must keep executing. There will be times that you feel like things are going nowhere but trust me, they are. Also, another important fact that you must understand is that you do not know when things will begin to click. Things may or may not happen when you want them to, but all that matters is that you keep putting one foot in front of the other to accomplish the overall goal. In the end, this is when you will see the real fruits of your labor.


Before I conclude this article, I want to make sure that I state that, there is nothing wrong with investing in assets. If you have the funds to grow your money in different ways, then do it. However, I want you to understand that you should never count yourself out of increasing your value. Now, the main takeaway I want to leave you with is that you hold the keys to your success. Investing in a skill set that you have will be beneficial for your long-term growth.

Investing in equipment that you can use to start a business may go a long way over a stock. Maybe even investing in a real estate license will earn you money faster than leaving your money in a savings account. The point is that you are way more valuable than you think and maybe that is something to think about. There are many steps to be made in this route but with faith and courage to start, anything is possible. Lastly, nothing works unless you do. Bless.