7 Best Motivational Speakers You Should Listen to Right Now

7 Best Motivational Speakers You Should Listen to Right Now

The world is moving faster than it has ever been and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. People have jobs, families, and businesses that need to run. Actively, there is money to be made and not a lot of time to enjoy it. The reason is that there is constant pressure and economic change so we work, work, and work until exhaustion hits. That is when the idea of change comes! You want better! You want a healthier and happier lifestyle, but there are some problems. You encounter the “Where, What, When, and How” mindset. Things get doubtful and scary. You begin to lose faith in the idea of “better”. That is when motivational speakers and coaches come in.

Motivational speakers have been around for decades and still prove their value to today’s society. Many motivational speakers and coaches have different perspectives.  But they all have the same overall goal, which is to encourage you to get going. If you’re looking for great motivational content, checking out these seven motivational speakers may be a good start for you. Let’s go!

7 Best Motivational Speakers You Should Listen to Right Now

Before you begin to read about these phenomenal individuals, I would like to disclaim that this list is in no particular order. They all have different approaches thus making them relatable to different people. However, the overall goal is the same for all. Let us continue.

Tony Robbins

In the early 1980s, Robbins began his career as a motivational speaker, and his popularity quickly grew. He is known for his dynamic personality, high-energy presentations, and his ability to inspire people to act and achieve their goals.

Robbins has written several best-selling books, including “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giant Within,”. He has developed numerous audio and video programs that focus on personal development and self-improvement. He has also worked as a personal coach for several high-profile clients, including Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, and Serena Williams. He continues to travel the globe, speaking to audiences of all sizes, and he is dedicated to helping people achieve their full potential and live their best lives.

Les Brown

As a notable speaker, his reputation proceeds itself so much that you have heard his voice in multiple motivational compilation videos on YouTube. Deemed mentally challenged in his youth, Les decided to defy all odds by proving people wrong about his abilities. In his early twenties, Brown began his career as a motivational speaker, and he quickly gained a reputation for his inspiring speeches on overcoming adversity and achieving success. He is known for his powerful storytelling and his ability to connect with audiences on a personal level.

Is the author of “Live Your Dreams,” and he has hosted his television and radio shows. He has also worked as a political commentator and has served as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives. He continues to inspire and motivate people of all ages and backgrounds to achieve their goals and live their best lives. Les is dedicated to helping people overcome their fears and obstacles, and he believes that everyone has the potential to achieve greatness.

Eric Thomas

Thomas began his career as a motivational speaker, and he quickly gained a following for his high-energy style and powerful messages of inspiration and empowerment. He is known for his ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level and his use of personal anecdotes to illustrate his points.

Thomas has wrote “The Secret to Success” and “Average Skill, Phenomenal Will,” and he has worked with a variety of clients, including professional athletes, corporate executives, and students. He has also served as a minister in his local community.

If you like high energy and high-tempo motivation, Eric is the right person to turn to. You can find his content in podcast formats as well on YouTube. He is guaranteed to get you pumped and keep you positive while striving for your goals.

Andy Frisella

Frisella is the founder and CEO of 1st Phorm International, a nutrition supplement company that has grown into a multimillion-dollar business. Frisella began his career in the fitness industry, working as a personal trainer and nutritionist. He later started his own supplement company, which eventually became 1st Phorm International. Frisella is known for his no-nonsense approach to business and his dedication to supplying high-quality products and exceptional customer service.

He is a published author, including “The MFCEO Project,” and he hosts a popular podcast by the same name. Frisella’s motivational style is often described as tough love, and he is known for his emphasis on discipline, hard work, and personal responsibility.

Keep in mind, Andy Frisella is not for the faint-hearted. Known for his straightforward style, it can come off blunt and rude but the truth is the truth. Andy also is the creator of the “75 Hard” and “Live Hard” programs. If you are looking for more info on either program, just google it. It will for sure pop up and is worth a try.

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David Goggins

David Goggins is another blunt motivator that doesn’t believe in excuses. After being overweight and denied multiple opportunities at achieving his goals, he developed a deniable mindset that would chauffer him through his journey of being a success story. Goggins joined the U.S. Air Force, where he served as a tactical air control party member. He later joined the Navy SEALs and completed three deployments to Iraq. Goggins is known for his extreme endurance feats, including running 100 miles in a single day and completing a 205-mile race on foot.

He has written several books, including “Can’t Hurt Me,” and he is known for his powerful messages of perseverance, mental toughness, and personal responsibility. Goggins is often described as one of the toughest men alive, and his message has inspired millions of people around the world to overcome their obstacles and achieve their goals.

Lisa Nichols

In her early twenties, Nichols began her career as a motivational speaker, and she quickly gained a reputation for her inspiring messages of hope and empowerment. She is known for her high-energy speaking style and her ability to connect with audiences on a personal level.

Nichols has also written books, including “No Matter What” and “Abundance Now,” and she has appeared on numerous television shows, including “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “The Today Show.” She is also the founder of Motivating the Masses, a coaching and training company that has helped thousands of people around the world achieve their goals.

Napoleon Hill

Although Napoleon Hill is no longer with us, his body of work is still classic and carries valuable wisdom. If you want to have an inside look at his impact, just ask about the classic self-help book “Think and Grow Rich,” which has sold millions of copies worldwide and is considered one of the most influential books on personal success ever written.

Hill began his career as a journalist and later became a self-help author and motivational speaker. He interviewed successful people from various industries, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison, and used their stories to develop his ideas on personal success. In addition to “Think and Grow Rich,” Hill wrote several other books, including “The Law of Success” and “The Master Key to Riches.”

He also founded the Napoleon Hill Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting his philosophy of success. Hill’s teachings focus on the power of positive thinking, goal setting, and persistence in achieving success. He believed that anyone could achieve success by following a set of principles and developing a positive mindset.


Most of us have been in a space where we’ve needed a stranger’s random wisdom. In particular, we aren’t in the mood for the advice of family and friends. We need someone who simply understands and speaks directly to us. Those strangers are motivational speakers. You may not know them personally, but the information supplied is universal to our troubles.

I am not saying to cut tithes with your family and friends when things get difficult, but maybe the self-help book, podcast, and videos are perfect for you when you’re ready to receive the wisdom. If you need some motivation, give these awesome people a listen and see what greatness comes from your situation. As always, nothing works unless you do!