Motivation Explained: Potential vs Kinetic Energy

Put Energy Into Your Ideas

Energy is real! Being a motivated person like I am, you surely have heard the common Christian verse, “Faith without work is dead”. Now, I understand that not every one of you follows the teachings of Christianity but the verse still holds truth behind its meaning. The verse prescribes the reader to understand that it is going to take more than a belief in an idea for it to become to fruition. For the idea to become a reality, some things need to take place physically.

This common occurrence of goals begins with a great idea. This great idea then comes the product(s), followed by the excitement of telling friends and family all about an excellent idea. After that, the idea turns into a giant crowd of awesomeness. Sadly, this common occurrence is followed by no actual work being put into the idea. Some creators find themselves living off the potential of an idea rather than the reality of the idea being physical.

What is Potential Energy?

Potential energy is a type of energy that an object possesses by its position, shape, or configuration relative to other objects in its surroundings. It is stored energy that has the potential to do work when released or allowed to move. The amount of potential energy an object possesses is dependent on its mass, height, and the force of gravity acting upon it.

For example, a car has potential energy because of its potential to move. When the car moves, its potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy as it accelerates forward. Potential energy can also exist in a plethora of potential types of energies, depending on the nature of the interacting objects. For the sake of the article, we won’t dive that far into science but more so into kinetic energy.

What is Kinetic Energy?

Being that Kinetic energy is the opposite energy of potential, instead of the position of the object, its kinetic energy is more focused on motion. It is the energy of motion that an object has due to its mass and velocity. More importantly, an object with a greater mass or a greater velocity will have greater kinetic energy.

When an object is in motion, it can do work by transferring its kinetic energy to other objects. For example such as when a moving ball hits another object and transfers some of its energy. Kinetic energy is also related to potential energy. Objects with potential energy can convert that energy into kinetic energy as they begin to move. Kinetic energy can be observed in many different forms of motion. This includes the movement of vehicles, the motion of waves, and the motion of atoms and molecules.

Motivation Meets Energy

Now I know what you’re thinking, “what does all this energy talk have to do with your goals and motivation?”. Well, think of it this way, we all have the potential to do something, and being capable of doing anything makes us relative to potential energy. Remember, potential energy is stored energy that is ready to be unleashed. We’ve all had ideas and plans that were great, but we never take the first step to start the process. Time passes us by and we never fulfill the great prophecy of our goals coming to fruition. The result of this is never turning potential energy into kinetic energy.

For us to achieve the desires of our hearts and minds, we must understand that, until we put action behind our potential energy, we will never gain kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy that is going to take us farther than anything than we have ever anticipated, but the requirements must be performed.

For a final example, let’s say that there is a Lamborghini parked outside. It is one of the most powerful cars in the world. Although it has a powerful engine inside of it, it is considered potential energy until it is driven. Once the car is driven, the potential energy is turned into kinetic energy and it is then when the performance is proven. Until you add work to your goals or ideas, they will remain just that, an idea.

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Today we live in a world that tells us that we can be rich, famous, and free. We are fed materialistic information daily on just about every social media platform. Society tells us to grind it out at stop complaining and you will when. Although this may be true, it takes a lot more energy than that. You must be very direct about your potential and kinetic energy.

Potential energy may seem like the opposition to kinetic energy but realistically, you need both. For kinetic energy to work, you must know and understand your potential energy and vice versa. So when you have a great idea and plan for accomplishing a goal, do yourself a favor and act on it. Faith without works is dead. As always, nothing works unless you do! Be blessed.